Focus on the Future

The Settled Rabbi Search Committee (SRSC) held its initial meetings and a timeline is now in place. We would like to share with the congregation a brief overview of what we have accomplished and what our plans are, going forward.

In March, we defined the process for a congregational self-study. As a result, the SRSC is launching “Focus on the Future” and a congregational survey. As part of Focus on the Future, we plan on hosting focus group meetings in your neighborhoods beginning in late-April. There will also be opportunities to participate in focus group meetings with people of similar interests and backgrounds that will take place at Temple Emanuel in May. Through these meetings, we hope to have a better understanding of what the congregation thinks is the most important issue our new Rabbi will face, dreams and visions for Temple Emanuel, and more. So if you see a phone number on your caller ID that you do not recognize, please consider answering it because it may be a member of our committee reaching out!

The information we gather through the Focus on the Future Project and a congregational survey will be used to shape our rabbinic search and will provide information critical to complete an application required by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) as part of the search. In conjunction with this application, committee members are working together with Temple Emanuel’s Communication team to create a vibrant, fun video that showcases Temple Emanuel, its location, and features our youth. This video is slated to be completed by August so that it can be posted on our website when we submit our application.

We hope to then receive resumes from applicants in August/September so that the first round of interviews can be completed by October/November. If all goes as planned, we will select a Rabbi in January/February.

As Michelle Markowitz stated in our initial blog post, our primary goal is to listen to the input of our congregation. Please be sure to reach out if you have anything you’d like to share or have any questions along the way.